The competition will be conducted over approximately eight weeks. During this phase participants are exposed to the complexities of managing a bank. Teams face challenging economic and business conditions, compete for loan and deposits, while ensuring that they comply with the regulations from the Federal Reserve.
The management teams (comprising of up to four members each) are responsible for the management of a full-service bank for four financial quarters using our Banking Simulation, called FirstB@nk 3. Teams decide on their strategy for the bank and make marketing decisions, decisions about portfolio mix, funding sources, distribution channels, branch network, etc. During each financial quarter teams are required to make optimal decisions for their bank taking the economic situation, competition and central bank releases into account.
After each financial quarter feedback is provided via Webinar as well as central bank releases. During the competition the learning curve is steep. A support team is available throughout the competition to assist teams online as and when necessary.
The OBMC has a customized economic & banking environment offering a realistic duplicate of the banking environment in Kansas. At the end of the competition SimArch and its team of experts assess the performance of all teams in order to select the winning four teams that will qualify for the second phase.